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- Framework for Assessing Feasibility of Riverbank Filtration for Water Treatment
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of riverbank filtration (RBF), and presents the framework for assessing the feasibility ofRBF that includes the following four step methodology developed at UNESCO-IHE:hydraulic simulation using MODFLOW;determination of share of bank filtrate and localgroundwater using NASRI Bank Filtration Simulator;prediction of the water quality usingalgorithms/guidelines, developed based onliterature review; and,comparison of the capital and O&M costs of RBFsystem with that of existing conventional watertreatment system. Case studies in three cities of Malawi are presented. Conclusions were that: RBF is a robust natural water treatment system whichhas high potential for application in developingcountries;a four-step methodology was developed for assessingfeasibility of RBF for water treatment;spacing between the wells and distance of the wellsfrom the bank can be varied to get the required waterquality and quantity from the wells for givenallowable drawdown; a guideline for estimation of water quality of RBFsystem for given travel time and travel distance wasdeveloped based on literature review; and,RBF is feasible in selected cities of Malawi, fromHydraulic, Water Quality as well as Cost considerations. Includes tables, figures.
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