• AWWA WQTC65862
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  • Improved, Rapid Hollow-fiber Ultrafiltration (HFUF) for Recovery of Microbial Pathogens, Indicators, and Surrogate Bioterrorism Agents from San Francisco's Source and Drinking Waters
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2007
  • Publisher: AWWA


The objective of this powerpoint presentation was todevelop a robust and rapid recovery methodfor multiple microbial indicator andpathogenic organisms for use in monitoringlarge volumes of water before, during, and after emergency situations. Specific project objectives were to:test the performance of candidate HFUFs showingpromise for concentrating multiple classes ofmicrobial indicators and pathogens, with anemphasis on reducing sample processing times;test flow modifications to effectively increase theflux of the HFUFs; perform experiments to determine the effect offilter pretreatment; and, test alternative elution solutions,and confirm results with low spikingconcentrations of microbial indicator andpathogenic organisms. Methods and materials included threemicrobial indicators ofBacteria - E. coli K011 (ATCC 55124) and E. coli (environmental tetresistantisolate),Virus - coliphage MS2 (ATCC 15597-B1) and phage PRD-1 (ATCCBAA-769-B1), andParasite - spores of Bacillus atrophaeus (ATCC 9372).Microbial pathogens includedE. coli 0157:H7 (BioBall™, BTF Precise Microbiology, Inc.),Salmonella,Aeromonas hydophilla (MicroBioLogics, Inc.),Echovirus-12,Adenovirus 41 (ATCC VR-930, andCryptosporidium and Giardia (ColorSeed, BTF PreciseMicrobiology, Inc.). Test waters and eluting solutions are provided. The summary of findings includes:the two HFUFs (Fresenius F80A and Hemocor HPH)performed similarly in SFPUC dechlorinated drinkingwaters and may be used interchangeably, dependingupon their availabilities;the Hemocor HPH showed higher microbialrecovery efficiencies compared to the FreseniusF80A for source waters although the sampleprocessing times were not significantly different; and,pretreatment of HFUFs (overnight with elutingsolutions) showed no statistically significantincreases in microbial recovery efficiency but didincrease the sample processing times; three eluting solutions were tested and were shownto be statistically equivalent for recovering microbesfrom the Fresenius F80A HFUFs in SFPUC sourceand drinking water;there were no significant differences in the recoveryrate by the modified HFUF system with high and lowconcentrations of microbial indicators in source anddrinking waters; and,modifications for the HFUF filter end caps showpromise for increasing microbial recovery rates andsignificantly decrease the sample processing times. Includes tables.

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