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- MIEX® Treatment of Polarity Based Fractions of Natural Organic Matter from a Western Australian Groundwater
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
The natural organic matter (NOM) from a large quantity (1000 L) of groundwaterfrom a Western Australian bore was isolated and separated into three polarity-basedfractions (hydrophobic, transphilic and hydrophilic) using an XAD-8/XAD-4 resinfractionation method. These NOM fractions were separately treated by the magneticion exchange (MIEX®) resin process to investigate the effect of the MIEX® processon different organic polarity-based fractions. MIEX® was effective for targeting themore non-polar (hydrophobic) and the intermediate polarity (transphilic) NOM, withsimilar DOC removals observed for both the hydrophobic and transphilic fractionsfrom this groundwater. Analysis of the NOM samples before and after MIEX®treatment by SEC-OCD showed that, for the hydrophobic fraction, organic matterover a wide range of apparent molecular weights, was removed, with particularlygood removal of the high molecular weight material. Includes 18 references, table, figures.
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