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- Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Product (PPCP) Analysis as Part of an Integrated Anthropogenic Waste Indicator (AWI) Analysis Scheme
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
Recent advances in analytical technology (GC-MS and HPLC-MS/MS)allow for the identification and quantification of a wide array of organic compounds invery low concentrations (typically, ng/L). Utilizing this technology, the analysis ofchemical indicators of anthropogenic and agricultural origin has proven to be successfulin projects aimed at indicating contamination from point sources. These techniques havebeen particularly useful when used in conjunction with microbial source tracking (MST)techniques in a "weight of evidence" context. The challenges that lie ahead for thesechemical analysis methods include striving for method improvements that are focusedupon more accurate quantification in difficult matrices, such as biosolids, and applyinginnovations that will reduce sample turn around time and cost for source trackingprojects. Includes 12 references, table.
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