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- Validation of a Large Volume Most-Probable-Number Technique for USEPA Method 1601: Coliphage by a Two-Step Enrichment Procedure
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
The State of California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Title 22 Code of Regulations,Subsection 60301.230 requires that a utility demonstrate at least a 5 log (99.999%) reductionin bacteriophage from tertiary treated wastewater after treatment with methods other thanchlorine disinfection. In order to meet these requirements, The City of Fresno, CA (the City)Wastewater Management Division employs a post-secondary pond and substrata infiltrationsystem as part of their treatment. The City has used the concentration of male-specific (MS)phage in their pre-pond secondary effluent compared to the MS phage concentration inmonitoring wells. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Method 1601 has been validated for use to demonstratepresence/absence of phage in 1L samples of groundwater. Using USEPA Method 1601, the pre-pondsecondary effluent typically does not have MS phage concentrations large enough todemonstrate the required 5-log reduction at the monitoring well by this method. The purpose ofthis study was to adapt and validate the presence/absence format of Method 1601 to a most probable number (MPN) format in large volumes (> 10 L) so that a 5-log reduction of phagecould be documented. There were two MPN formats studied. One consisted of three 10L,three 1L and three 100 mL volumes; the other was three, 100 L filter concentrated volumes.The validation procedure used was that described in USEPA Method 1601 for Tier 1 of USEPA'sperformance-based measurement system (PBMS) (modification at a single laboratory). Basedupon the PBMS, CDPH requested that this study include 10 replicates of spiked reagent water,10 replicates of spiked matrix water and associated method blanks. In addition, based uponthe original national validation study of Method 1601, CA DHS requested a phageconcentration at 1-2 pfu/spike of target volume test water. The 33.3 L MPN format wasvalidated in both reagent grades water and groundwater matrix. Includes 3 references, table.