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- Using Triple Bottom Line to Make Water Quality Decisions: Tucson Water's Experience
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of triple bottom line (TBL) assessment, and how TBL integrates different elements of typicalTucson Water activities. A historical perspective of Tuscon Water's experience is presented, including:total groundwater reliance until 1992; direct CAP delivery 1992-94;red water problems and customer outrage;City Council shuts down CAP WTP; and,passage of local citizens' initiative in 1995.Tucson Water's solution included: resolve red water problems;rebuild customer confidence; and, instigating theClearwater Program - a recharge/recoverybased blended water program. The Decision H<sub>2</sub>O Program includesTriple Bottom Line elements.Program objectives included the following:educate about the need forColorado River Water;inform about rising total dissolved solids (TDS)levels and impacts ofmineral control;provide opportunities totaste and learn; and,gather consumerpreferences. Includes tables, figures.