• AWWA WQTC69456
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  • Measuring Dose Distribution by Lagrangian Actinometry: A New Protocol for UV Reactor Validation
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
  • Publisher: AWWA


This paper presents an alternate validation protocol that uses Lagrangian actinometry to measurethe dose-distribution in a reactor which, when integrated with the dose-response kinetics of atargeted pathogen, predicts the log-inactivation of the targeted pathogen. The new protocolresponds to the regulatory validation requirements directly, and in effect provides a clearunderstanding of the performance and behavior of a reactor when addressing any pathogen ofconcern. Results of work done at Purdue University and the Ultraviolet (UV) Center in New York have beenpresented at several venues, including most recently at ACE 2008. This new presentation buildson these prior discussions of the dyed-microspheres technology, providing the protocol by whichthe dyed-microspheres approach can be used to validate a UV reactor. Supported by NYSERDA,AwwaRF, NYCDEP and others, the protocol has been developed in the context and format of theUVDGM. Field efforts to demonstrate and refine the method entailed large-scale validations thatincluded T1 and MS2 coliphage biodosimetry in conformance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) UltravioletDisinfection Guidance Manual, and simultaneous actinometry with dyed-microspheres. Alternatehydraulic and intensity field conditions were imposed on the reactors, and laboratory andstatistical analysis techniques were developed and demonstrated for the actinometry protocol.Additionally, testing with dye microspheres was completed in parallel with live adenovirus tests. Includes 7 references, figure.

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