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- Spectrophotometric Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by presenting the project objective: to develop/evaluate a laboratory method for reliablequantification of hydrogen peroxide in 0.5 - 5 mg/Lconcentration range that is effective in a natural watermatrix as well as in the presence of combined chlorine(chloramine). The project approach included the following: a literature review; a bench evaluation of method sensitivity to combined chorine, establish MDL, precision and bias, and tomodify/develop the method; and, an interlaboratory evaluation to evaluate method performance in the field between labs, between water sources, andbetween sample locations. The literature reviewselected two methods for additional evaluation. The bench level evaluation of titanium oxalate and theCu/DMP method found that thetitanium oxalate method was not impacted by combinedchlorine. Finally, the interlab evaluation of the titanium oxalate method resulted in agreement between labs. Includes tables, figures.
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