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- Quantifying and Modeling Uncertainty of Lead Concentration Measured at Customer's Taps
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
In this paper, a statistical model, based on Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), wasdeveloped to quantify the uncertainty in lead concentrations measured at the tap in homeswith lead service lines, using the number of sample replicates (for both long and shortperiods of time) and the number of measurement repetitions. The statistical analysis wasconducted using data of duplicate samples collected in homes and small businesses thathave lead service lines (LSLs) in Edmonton by the Quality Assurance Department of EPCORWater Services Inc. in 2008 and 2009. The total uncertainty in measured leadconcentration was divided into process uncertainty, sampling uncertainty and analyticaluncertainty. Total uncertainty was determined by repeat sampling of the same home ondifferent days. Sampling uncertainty was determined by collecting duplicate samples onthe same day. Analytical uncertainty was determined by repeat measurements on thesame sample. Includes 6 references, figures.
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