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- Retardation Efficiency of Glyphosate during Bank Filtration for Drinking Water Production
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing research objectives that included: high volume of Glyphosate application inagriculture worldwide - in urban areas;medium to high concentration ofGlyphosate and AMPA in surface water;industrial effluents may cause AMPAcontamination in surface water;unknown behavior of Glyphosate duringbank filtration; and,simulation of the bank filtration processesrelated to the Berlin site conditions. Technical equipment and test conditions are presented for laboratory studies, field (technical) scale experiments, and modeling. A summary of results indicates that: in sandy bank filtration material with low concentrations Glyphosate,adsorption is medium to high and with very high concentration low; anaerobic degradation of Glyphosate is low at the beginning, and after alag phase, very fast; technical scale Lysimeter studies (1 m diameter, depth 2 m, sandy soil) ensured no Glyphosate breakthrough in the effluent within 7 months after a single application; retardation efficiency in both enclosure experiments is sufficient for Glyphosate in spite of the short filtration length of the enclosures; and, computational approach shows that water production by bank filtration under Berlin conditions is regarding Glyphosate possible without a risk assuming the modeled bank filtration sites. Includes tables, figures.
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