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- North American Corrosion Control Needs and Strategies: A Summary of the 2008 AWWA-DSWQC Corrosion Survey
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
Implementation of the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) in the United States has resulted in significant reductions infirst liter standing lead levels measured at the tap over the last 15 years. Proposed changes to Health Canada'sGuidance for Corrosion Control, as well as provincial regulatory changes related to lead in drinking water, areputting corrosion control on the agenda for utilities in Canada. A North American Corrosion Control Needs andStrategies Survey, sponsored by the AWWA Water Quality & Technology Division's Distribution System WaterQuality Committee (DSWQC) and funded by the AWWA Technical and Education Council, was conducted in thefall of 2008. This web-based survey summarized corrosion control objectives, practices, effectiveness of practices(US utilities), and corrosion control needs (primarily for Canadian utilities) for over 150 utilities in North America. Includes tables, figures.