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- Design, Evaluation, and Molecular Microbial Ecology of a Pilot-Scale Biologically Active Filter for Ammonia Oxidation
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of ammonia and biological treatment. Study objectives were to: characterize a full-scale biologically active filterusing molecular techniques to identify majorgenera present and determine those responsiblefor nitrification; design and operate pilot filters under controlledconditions to evaluate the role of operationalconditions on functionality; and,observe microbial population changes inresponse to operating conditions in the pilot filters. Methods:ICP-MS and ICP-AES; SmartChem-Colorimetry; EM, XRD, EDS; and, benchwork. Molecular methods: culture-independent 16s rDNA gene (11F,1492R), Ammoniamonooxygenase gene(AOB and AOA), Aerobic arseniteoxidase gene; and, culture-dependent HPC, E. coli, enteroccoci, aerobic endospores, and arsenite oxidizers. Biological active filtration was found to be an efficient and sustainabletechnology for treatment of source waters with elevatedammonia:rapid recovery from backwash;insensitive to changes in operating conditions;oxidize ammonia >90% with complete conversion tonitrate;no pathogenic organisms/indicators;lower operating costs;nitrosomonas and Nitrospira are the major generainvolved in nitrification; and,79% of 16s diversity driven by singletons, 44% inamoA. Includes figures.