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- Drinking Water Advisory Project
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing project objectives: to develop and test a "best-practices" responsemodel / protocol and tool that can be used bylocal public health and drinking waterauthorities to implement effective drinkingwater advisories / orders in response topotential or actual drinking watercontamination events. The scope of the project focuses on community water systems;addresses spectrum of situations that generate eithersystem or state initiated advisories with an eye towardscaling and targeting of advisory strategy;boil water notice;do not drink advisory;advising water users of precautions; and,assuring awareness. Project goals included: improved communication within and among relevantorganizations (local, state, federal);improved collaboration within and among relevantorganizations (local, state, federal);improved population targeting and utilization of mosteffective communication channels, including mass media;improved exercise and assessment leading to improvedcommunication and collaboration protocols; and,increased capacity to respond rapidly and effectively toan intentional water contamination / terrorism event. The methodology approach included: research and identify current best practicesrelated to community drinking water advisories;develop a best practices model / protocol foreffectively issuing, disseminating, and implementingsuch advisories;test the best practices model / protocol for issuing,disseminating, and implementing such advisories;develop a toolkit to assist local and state water andpublic health authorities successfully issue,disseminate, and implement drinking water advisories; and,develop a dissemination and education programfor the above toolkit.