AWWA is the world's largest organization of water supply professionals, representing the entire industry spectrum of treatment plant operators and managers, scientists, environmentalists, manufacturers, academicians, regulators, and utilities. AWWA standards cover hundreds of products and procedures.

AWWA 51592

AWWA 51592

Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Development and Implementing ISO 14001 Standards for Water Di

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51593

AWWA 51593

Registration From the Registrar's Perspective

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51594

AWWA 51594

Turbidity Monitoring and Compliance for the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51597

AWWA 51597

Facilitating Community Participation in Source Water Assessment and Protection

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51600

AWWA 51600

Design and Cost Issues on Treating Spent-Filter Backwash Water and Other Waste Streams and Filter-to

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51601

AWWA 51601

Complying With the D/DBPR, ESWTR, and Backwash Recycle Rule at 12 Water Treatment Plants in the Sout

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51602

AWWA 51602

Using Billing and Customer Service Benchmarking to Change the Way a Utility Does Business

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51603

AWWA 51603

Critical Success Factors in Achieving Customer Satisfaction

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51605

AWWA 51605

Media Relations: A View From Different Sides of the Fence

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51606

AWWA 51606

Building Customer Confidence in a "New" Water Supply and an "Old" Water Company

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51608

AWWA 51608

Web-Based Community Education and Relations

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51610

AWWA 51610

Border Community Raises Regional Awareness

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51613

AWWA 51613

The Impact of Residuals on the Selection of an Arsenic Treatment Process

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51614

AWWA 51614

Impact of a Reduced Arsenic Standard: The Upper Midwest Perspective

$12.00 $24.00

AWWA 51617

AWWA 51617

Application of the Integrated Disinfection Design Framework (IDDF) to Predict Inactivation of Bacill

$12.00 $24.00

Showing 166 to 180 of 14933 (996 Pages)