Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association
BIFMA Color 3.1-2005
Standard for Color Measurement for Office Furniture Manufacturers and Suppliers
$10.00 $20.00
BIFMA G1-2013
2013 Ergonomics Guideline for Furniture used in Office Work Spaces Designed for Computer Use
$75.00 $150.00
BIFMA M7.1-2007
Test Method for Determining VOC Emissions From Office Furniture Systems, Components and Seating
$60.00 $120.00
BIFMA M7.1-2011 (R2016)
Test Method for Determining VOC Emissions From Office Furniture Systems, Components and Seating
$75.00 $150.00
BIFMA SOHO S6.5-2001
American National Standard for Small Office/Home Office Furniture - Tests
$83.00 $165.00
BIFMA SOHO S6.5-2008 (R2013)
American National Standard for Small Office/Home Office Furniture - Tests
$75.00 $150.00
BIFMA Sustainability 2005
Sustainability Guidelines for Office Furniture Manufacturers and Suppliers
$10.00 $20.00