• CGSB 192.2-2009
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CGSB 192.2-2009

  • Competencies of the Federal Government Information Management Community
  • standard by Canadian General Standards Board, 06/01/2009
  • Publisher: CGSB



1.1 This standard defines the competencies that are essential to demonstrate proficiency in activities that are common toall, rather than specific to any, of the disciplines comprising the information management (IM) function within theGovernment of Canada.

1.2 This standard is intended to serve as the foundation for a Professional Development and Certification Program for IMfunctional specialists in the Government of Canada.

1.3 The competencies defined in this standard may also be used alone or in conjunction with other competency-based toolsdeveloped by or for specific IM disciplines, for the development of IM-related work descriptions, job competencyprofiles, organizational models, staffing initiatives and other related human resources management tools.

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