• CGSB 51-GP-52MA
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  • Vapour Barrier, Jacket and Facing Material for Pipe, Duct and Equipment Thermal Insulation
  • standard by Canadian General Standards Board, 02/01/1989
  • Publisher: CGSB


This standard applies to two types of vapour barrier jacket and facing material comprised of aluminum foil, glass fibre scrim and paper laminated with adhesive, for use in the temperature range of -20 to 65°C over thermal insulation for pipes, ducts and equipment.

For more detailed information on intended uses, see par. 8.2.

This standard may require the use of materials and/or equipment that could be hazardous. This document does not purport to address all the safety aspects associated with its use. Anyone using this standard has the responsibility to consult the appropriate authorities and to establish appropriate health and safety practices in conjunction with any existing applicable regulatory requirements prior to its use.

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