• CGSB 94-GP-1
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CGSB 94-GP-1

  • Glossary of Photographic Terms in General Use in the Graphic Arts
  • standard by Canadian General Standards Board, 03/01/1972
  • Publisher: CGSB


This Glossary applies to photographic terms commonly used to describe graphic arts processes, procedures and materials. Many photographic terms not applicable to the graphic arts have been omitted, as they may be found in photographic glossaries. Such terms include specialized references to photographic science and technology, cinematography, chemical and optical terms and formulae, emulsion characteristics and film specifications, brand names of photographic materials, and types and trade names of photographic equipment.

Terms common to other forms of image transfer unrelated to the "taking" and "making" procedures of basic and applied photography, such as diazo and photomechanical processes, photostats, heat transfer, etc., have also been omitted.

The Glossary will provide a useful reference for editors, printers and publishers, purchasing agents and others who may be involved with graphic arts procedures but who do not have a comprehensive knowledge of photography. The material will also be useful for photographers in relating photographic terminology to graphic arts application, and in conducting staff training programs.

In order to promote extensive use of the Glossary, definitions have been kept as brief as possible, without recourse to involved technical description unless required to clarify essential comparisons between processes or procedures.

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