CTI, the Cooling Technology Institute, advocates and promotes the use of environmentally responsible Evaporative Heat Transfer Systems (EHTS) for the benefit of the public by encouraging education, research, standards development and verification, government relations and technical information exchange. CTI publications cover design, manufacture, testing, maintenance and repair of open and closed circuit wet, atmospheric cooling towers, providing cooled water for air-conditioning, manufacturing and electric power generation.
CTI TP05-19
Effective Chemical-Free Microbiological Control for Industrial Cooling Water Systems
$7.00 $14.00
CTI TP06-02
Cooling Tower Blowdown Limitations: Case Studies of New Wastewater Permit Limits and Their Solids
$7.00 $14.00
CTI TP06-08
Realizing the Full Potential of Your Cooling Tower Lime/Soda Ash Blowdown Softener
$7.00 $14.00
CTI TP06-13
Experience with Monitoring and Control of Microbiological Growth Due to Hydrocarbon Ingress in Open
$7.00 $14.00