CTI, the Cooling Technology Institute, advocates and promotes the use of environmentally responsible Evaporative Heat Transfer Systems (EHTS) for the benefit of the public by encouraging education, research, standards development and verification, government relations and technical information exchange. CTI publications cover design, manufacture, testing, maintenance and repair of open and closed circuit wet, atmospheric cooling towers, providing cooled water for air-conditioning, manufacturing and electric power generation.

CTI TP62-07

CTI TP62-07

Fire Protection of Water Cooling Towers (T-2A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP63-04

CTI TP63-04

Water Flow Measurement in Field Tests of Cooling Towers (TP-3A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP63-05

CTI TP63-05

Vibrations of Cooling Tower Fans (TP-7A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP64-01

CTI TP64-01

Experience in Retarding Wood Rot by the Use of Plenum Chamber Sprays (TP-11A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP64-02

CTI TP64-02

The Corrosion Engineer Looks at the Cooling Tower (TP-13A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP64-03

CTI TP64-03

The Use of Municipal Sewage Effluent in Cooling Towers

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP64-04

CTI TP64-04

Chemical Cleaning of the Water Side of Process Equipment (TP-15A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP64-06

CTI TP64-06

Fungus Control in Cooling Towers (TP-6B)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP65-01

CTI TP65-01

Cooling Tower Maintenance (TP-17B)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP66-01

CTI TP66-01

Fire Retardant Fiberglass Reinforced Polester as a Material of Construction for Cooling Towers (TP-1

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP66-04

CTI TP66-04

Cooling Water Treatment Dollars and Sense (TP-20A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP67-01

CTI TP67-01

The Relationship of Cooling Tower Operation to Pollution Control (TP-26A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP67-02

CTI TP67-02

Cellular Cooling Tower Fill (TP-32A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP67-03

CTI TP67-03

Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics and Cooling Towers (TP-34A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP67-06

CTI TP67-06

Current Practice in Sidestream Filtration for Cooling Towers (TP-25A)

$7.00 $14.00

Showing 256 to 270 of 666 (45 Pages)