CTI, the Cooling Technology Institute, advocates and promotes the use of environmentally responsible Evaporative Heat Transfer Systems (EHTS) for the benefit of the public by encouraging education, research, standards development and verification, government relations and technical information exchange. CTI publications cover design, manufacture, testing, maintenance and repair of open and closed circuit wet, atmospheric cooling towers, providing cooled water for air-conditioning, manufacturing and electric power generation.

CTI TP80-12

CTI TP80-12

Bibliography on the Use of High Dissolved Solids Waters in Cooling Towers

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP80-13

CTI TP80-13

Electric Brake For Cooling Tower Motors (TP-217A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP81-01

CTI TP81-01

Cooling Tower Drift Study - Drift Measurement and Analysis of the Measuring Technique (T-232A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP81-02

CTI TP81-02

The Manufacturer and Energy-Efficient Cooling Towers (TP-228A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP81-03

CTI TP81-03

How To Minimize Energy Consumption With Variable-Speed Fan Control (TP-236A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP81-04

CTI TP81-04

Use of a New Fouling Monitor in Development and Application of Cooling Water Treatments (TP-238A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP81-05

CTI TP81-05

Discriminating Between Biofouling and Scaling in a Deposition Monitor (TP-239A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP81-07

CTI TP81-07

Cooling Tower - Money Making Machines (TP-242A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP81-08

CTI TP81-08

Chemistry of Sidestream Softening and Silica Reduction (TP-234A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP81-10

CTI TP81-10

Fluid Flow Measurement and Energy Savings (TP-227A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP81-11

CTI TP81-11

Evaluation of Cooling Tower Test Accuracy (TP-235A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP81-12

CTI TP81-12

ATC-105 Test Accuracy at Off-Design Conditions (TP-241A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP81-13

CTI TP81-13

Psychrometrics and the Psychrometer (TP-231A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP81-14

CTI TP81-14

A New Simplified Method for Field Analysis of Phosphonates in Water (TP-240A)

$7.00 $14.00

CTI TP81-15

CTI TP81-15

A Breakdown in Cooling Tower Water Technology Dianodic II (TP-229A)

$7.00 $14.00

Showing 361 to 375 of 666 (45 Pages)