DOXPUB 12-0031-SOP
- Chemical Hygiene Plan
- standard by Doxpub, Inc., 08/01/2007
- Publisher: DOXPUB
Describes the procedures, equipment, personal protective equipment and work practices necessary to protect employees from the potential health hazards presented by hazardous chemicals in laboratories. Applies to personnel engaged in the use of chemicals. Includes provisions for personal protective equipment (PPE), safety glass and goggles, emergency equipment, purchasing, labeling, NFPA Hazard Warning Labels, general rules for lab work, lab storage of chemicals, hazardous chemical waste disposal, emergency spill procedures, chemical exposure monitoring, compressed gases, chemical hazard communication program, material safety datasheets, employee training, and on-the-job injuries and medical evaluation.
Included Sections:
Purpose, Scope, Responsibility, References and Applicable Documents, Materials and Equipment, Health and Safety Considerations, Documentation Requirements, and Procedures
Included Attachments/Appendices:
41-Page Appendix Includes Procedures and Information for The Following Chemicals: Acids, Acrylamide, Bases, Butanol, Chloroform, Cyclohexanone, Dichloromethane, Edc/1-Ethyl-3-(3-Dimethylaminopropyl)-Carbodiiminde Hydrochloride, Ethanol, Ethyl Alcohol, Ether, Formaldehyde, Glutaraldehyde, Hexane, Isopropanol, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Paraformaldehyde, pH enol, Propylene Glycol, Thimerosol, Toluene, and Xylene.
About This Document:
This is not a generic template, it's a 57-page procedure that was actually created and used in the Environmental Health & Safety operations of a FDA-regulated establishment. The company-specific information (names, addresses, some images, proprietary product information, etc.) has been redacted but the content and format have been largely preserved.
Reasons to Buy:
- Use it as a starting point for your own documentation project
- Compare the quality of your documents against your industry peers
- Learn what other companies in your industry are actually doing
Who Will Benefit:
- Laboratory Personnel
- Facilities Managers
- Material Control Personnel