• ETSI EG 201 992
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ETSI EG 201 992

  • Services and Protocols for Advanced Networks (SPAN); Intelligent Networks (IN); Architectures and signalling requirements for IN-based networks interworking with IP-based networks
  • standard by European Telecommunications Standards Institute, 12/01/2001
  • Publisher: ETSI


The scope of this ETSI Guide is to cover the standardisation of functions to allow interworking of Intelligent networks and Internet protocols. Covering: - Signalling requirements on the Internet protocols User Agent (UA) function to Service Control Gateway (SCG) function; - Signalling requirements to support Internet protocols between the SCG function and the other IN functional entities; -Signalling requirements to specific services between the SCG function and the other IN functional entities; - Architectures for the deployment of IP in the circuit Switched Network, including IN entities; - Use of IN Service Control Points (SCP) as platforms to support IP/IN Gatekeeper functions; - Security aspects also need to be addressed.

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