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ETSI ETS 300 493
- Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) information model of the Sub Network Connection Protection (SNCP) for the Network Element (NE) view
- standard by European Telecommunications Standards Institute, 06/01/1996
- Publisher: ETSI
This final draft European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) addresses the management of the automatic protection switching within network element at the high and low order path layers. It covers the Sub Network Connection Protection (SNCP) as described in ITU-T Recommendations G.803 [2] and G.841 [4]. This ETS provides an information model, for the SNCP of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) network. This model describes the managed object classes and their properties for the management of the sub network connection protection function for SDH network elements. These objects are relevant to information exchanged across standardised interfaces defined in the ITU T Recommendation M.3010 [1]. This ETS applies to SDH network elements which perform the sub network connection protection function and those systems in the Telecommunication Management Network (TMN) that manage SDH network elements. This ETS defines: - an information model, as related to the sub network connection protection function for the SDH. This ETS does not define: - the protocol stack to be used for message communication; - the network level management processes; - the application contexts; - the conformance requirements to be met by an implementation of this information model; - information models for other systems or equipment. The information model defined here (and the corresponding message set) is concerned with the management of network elements, the equipment by which they are implemented and the functions contained within them. More precisely, it applies to an equipment domain visible at the element manager to element interface and is only concerned with information available within that domain. Information proper to the domain of a network level management processris not included within this model.