• GPA 2188-14
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GPA 2188-14

  • Method for the Determination of Ethyl Mercaptan in LP-Gas Using Length of Stain Tubes
  • standard by GPA Midstream Association, 2014
  • Publisher: GPA


This standard covers the determination of the concentration of Ethyl-Mercaptan in LP Gas using a length of stain tube. While other mercaptans and sulfur species may be indicated in this stain tube it is important to remember that the tubes are calibrated for and intended to be used to determine the concentrations of Ethyl Mercaptan in LP Gas.

This method covers the determination of ethyl mercaptan in LP gas. Limited data (Appendix A) show a precision of ±10% of the measured amount. The suggested range of tubes to be used in 0.5 to 25 ppmv. A chromatographic mehtod should be used for more precise, quantitative determination of ethyl mercaptan in propane.

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