• Handbook for Cogeneration and Combined Cycle Power Plants, Second Edition
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Handbook for Cogeneration and Combined Cycle Power Plants, Second Edition

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  • Handbook / Manual / Guide by ASME International, 2010
  • Publisher: ASME


This comprehensive Handbook has been fully updated and expanded for the second edition. Itcovers all major aspects of power plant design, operation, and maintenance. The second editionincludes not only an updating of the technology, which has taken great leaps forward in the lastdecade, but also introduces new subjects. It assimilates subject matter of various papers, andsometimes diverse views, into a comprehensive, unified treatment of combined cycle powerplants. Illustrations, with curves & tables are extensively employed to broaden the understandingof the descriptive text. The book has many special features which include comparison of variousenergy systems, latest cycles and power augmentation and improved efficiency techniques.

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