Dedicated to excellence in the engineering, manufacturing and application of pumping equipment, HI standards are intended to eliminate misunderstandings between manufacturers, purchasers and customers. HI Pump Standards are widely used by consultants, contractors, engineering construction firms, manufacturers, libraries and universities, and pump users.
HI 14.6-2011
Rotodynamic Pumps for Hydraulic Performance Acceptance Tests (ANSI/HI 14.6)
$103.00 $205.00
HI 2.1-2.2 (M105)
American National Standard for Vertical Pumps for Nomenclature and Definitions
$45.00 $90.00
HI 2.1-2.2-2008
American National Standard for Vertical Pumps for Nomenclature and Definitions
$45.00 $90.00
HI 2.1-2.2-2014
American National Standard for Rotodynamic Vertical Pumps of Radial, Mixed, and Axial Flow Types for
$45.00 $90.00
HI 2.3 (M106)
American National Standard for Vertical Pumps for Design and Applications
$75.00 $150.00
HI 2.3-2008
American National Standard for Rotodynamic (Vertical) Pumps for Design and Application
$75.00 $150.00
HI 2.3-2013
American National Standard for Rotodynamic Vertical Pumps of Radial, Mixed, and Axial Flow Types for
$75.00 $150.00
HI 2.4 (M107)
American National Standard for Vertical Pumps for Installation, Operations, and Maintenance
$38.00 $75.00
HI 2.4-2008
American National Standard for Rotodynamic (Vertical) Pumps for Manuals Describing Installation, Ope
$38.00 $75.00
HI 2.4-2014
American National Standard for Rotodynamic Vertical Pumps for Manuals Describing Installation, Opera
$38.00 $75.00