I3A is the central international forum for the development and advancement of open standards and innovations for the worldwide imaging ecosystem. I3A's vision is to enable the use of imaging to simplify and enrich people's lives through visual experiences that connect generations, communities, information and services. I3A brings members together to collaborate on initiatives that generate standards, tools and metrics, drive adoption, foster growth, and open pathways to new markets. I3A is organized into six focused Interest Groups. I3A Interest Group Initiatives enable the rapid development of consortium standards, delivering quick and unique solutions to the market that are unavailable through other processes.
I3A IT1.80-1995
Photography (Photofinishing) - Identification of Customer Order Components - Automatic Matching in a
$13.00 $26.00
I3A IT10.7000-2004
Photography - Digital Still Cameras - Guidelines for Reporting Pixel-Related Specifications
$27.00 $53.00
I3A IT10.7466-2002
Photography - Electronic still picture imaging - Reference Input Medium Metric RGB Color encoding (R
$27.00 $53.00
I3A IT10.7666-2002
Photography - Electronic Still Picture Imaging - Reference Output Medium Metric RGB Color Encoding (
$27.00 $53.00
I3A IT12.1-1994
Photography (Imaging Materials) - 135-Size Film Canister Bottoms - Composition
$10.00 $20.00
I3A IT12.2-1995
Photography (Imaging Materials) - 135-Size Film Canister Bottoms - Composition
$13.00 $26.00
I3A IT2.21-1994
Photography - Colour Reversal Camera Films - Determination of ISO Speed (revision and redesignation
$13.00 $26.00
I3A IT2.24-1996
Photography - Materials for Direct-Positive Colour Print Cameras - Determination of ISO Speed (revis
$13.00 $26.00
I3A IT2.26-1998
Determination of Safelight Conditions (revision and redesignation of ANSI PH2.22-1988)
$20.00 $40.00
I3A IT2.37-2001
Photography - Print Grain Index - Assessment of Print Graininess from Color Negative Films
$27.00 $53.00
I3A IT2.39-1998 (R2004)
Photography - Black-and-White, Continuous-Tone Films - Photographic Modulation Transfer Function
$22.00 $44.00
I3A IT2.4-1987 (R1994)
Photography - Sensitometry of Screen/Film Systems for Medical Radiography - Part 1: Determination of
$18.00 $35.00
I3A IT2.40-2003
Photography (Film) - Root mean square (rms) granularity of film (Images on one side only) - Method f
$27.00 $53.00
I3A IT2.46-1997
Photography - Industrial Radiographic Film - Determination of ISO Speed and Average Gradient When Ex
$13.00 $26.00