ICAO 10013
- Operational Opportunities to Reduce Fuel Burn and Emissions (Doc 10013)
- Handbook / Manual / Guide by International Civil Aviation Organization, 2014
- Publisher: ICAO
This document contains information on current practices that are followed by aircraft operators, airport operators, air navigation services providers (ANSPs), other industry organizations and States, which are intended to minimize fuel use and reduce emissions from civil air transport. The manual is therefore aimed at airlines, airport operators, air traffic management and air traffic control service providers, airworthiness authorities, environmental agencies and other government bodies and interested parties.
It should be noted that this manual is not inended to be the basis for regulatory action, and the choice of many of the operational procedures presented depends upon many factors other than environmental benefits. Safety must always be the overriding consideration in all civil aviation operations and the operator, in conjunction with the operating crew, must remain the ultimate judge of what can be done to minimize fuel consumption while maintaining the necessary safety margins.
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