• ICAO 10047
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ICAO 10047

  • Aviation Security Oversight Manual (Doc 10047)
  • Handbook / Manual / Guide by International Civil Aviation Organization, 2015
  • Publisher: ICAO


This manual outlines the duties and responsibilities of ICAO Member States with respect to the establishment andmanagement of a national civil aviation security oversight system. It is directed at high-level government decisionmakers, as it highlights States' obligations as signatories to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (ChicagoConvention) signed at Chicago on 7 December 1944, and provides information and guidance on the establishment and management of a State's national civil aviation security oversight system, which may be required to fulfil thoseobligations.

This manual confines itself to the parameters of a Member State's overall aviation security oversight responsibilities,emphasizing the State's commitment to aviation security with respect to the State's aviation activity. Several criticalelements (CEs) have been identified as essential components of a civil aviation security oversight system and should be considered for the effective implementation of a security-related policy and associated procedures. The CEs of a civil aviation security oversight system presented in this manual include:
  • primary aviation security legislation;
  • aviation security programmes and regulations;
  • State appropriate authority for aviation security and its responsibilities;
  • personnel qualifications and training;
  • provision of technical guidance, tools and security-critical information;
  • certification and approval obligations;
  • quality control obligations; and
  • resolution of security concerns.

Includes Corrigendum 1

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