• ICAO 9303 Part 3 Volume 1
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ICAO 9303 Part 3 Volume 1

  • Machine Readable Travel Documents - Part 3 - Machine Readable Official Travel Documents - Volume 1 MRtds with Machine Readable Data Stored in Optical Character Recognition Format (Doc 9303)
  • standard by International Civil Aviation Organization, 01/01/2008
  • Publisher: ICAO


Doc 9303, Part 3, Volume 1 defines the specifications for two sizes of machine readable officialtravel documents (MRtds), providing for global data interchange using both visual (eye readable) and machinereadable (optical character recognition) means. The specifications lay down standards for identity documentsthat can, where issued by a State or organization and accepted by a receiving State, be used for cross-bordertravel purposes. The MRtds shall, as a minimum, contain the mandatory data specified in this volume, in theprescribed standard format. This volume also includes specifications for the mandatory and discretionaryincorporation of security features. The specifications of Part 3 may be used by a State or organization for theissuance of a machine readable passport in the form of a Size 1 card. The combined specifications of thisvolume and of Volume 2 of Part 3 permit the discretionary incorporation of additional electronic data storage tosupplement the machine readable zone, principally to allow for an encoded biometric for identity confirmationof the MRP holder.

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