• ICAO 9303 - Part 7
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ICAO 9303 - Part 7

  • Machine Readable Travel Documents - Part 7 - Machine Readable Visas (Doc 9303)
  • Handbook / Manual / Guide by International Civil Aviation Organization, 2015
  • Publisher: ICAO


The Seventh Edition of Doc 9303 represents a restructuring of the ICAO specifications for Machine Readable TravelDocuments. Without incorporating substantial modifications to the specifications, in this new edition Doc 9303 has been reformatted into a set of specifications for Size 1 Machine Readable Official Travel Documents (TD1), Size 2 Machine Readable Official Travel Documents (TD2), and Size 3 Machine Readable Travel Documents (TD3), as well as visas.

This set of specifications consists of various separate documents in which general (applicable to all MRTDs) as well as MRTD form factor specific specifications are grouped.

This Part 7 of Doc 9303 is based on the Third Edition of Doc 9303, Part 2, Machine Visas (2005).

Part 7 defines the specifications for machine readable visas (MRV) which allow compatibility and global interchangeusing both visual (eye readable) and machine readable means. The specifications lay down standards for visas which can, where issued by a State and accepted by a receiving State, be used for travel purposes. The MRV shall, as a minimum, contain the data specified herein in a form that is legible both visually and by optical character recognition methods, as presented herein. Part 7 contains specifications for both Format-A and Format-B types of visas.

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