• ICAO 9995
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ICAO 9995

  • Manual of Evidence-based Training (Doc 9995 AN/497)
  • standard by International Civil Aviation Organization, 2013
  • Publisher: ICAO


The development of Evidence-based Training (EBT) arose from an industry-wide consensus that in order to reduce the aircraft hull loss and fatal accident rates, a strategic review of recurrent and type-rating training for airline pilots was necessary. The existing airline pilot training requirements in national regulations are largely based on the evidence of hull losses from early generation jets, and on a simple view that, in order to mitigate a risk, simply repeating an event in a training programme was sufficient. Over time, many new events occurred and the subsequent addition of these events to the training requirements saturated recurrent training programmes and created an inventory or "tick box" approach to training.

It is impossible to foresee all plausible accident scenarios, especially in today's aviation system where its complexity and high reliability mean that the next accident may be something completely unexpected. EBt addresses this by moving from pure scenario-based training, to prioritizing the development and assessment of key competencies, leading to a better training outcome.

The core competencies identified in EBT encompass what was previously known as both technical and non-technical knowledge, skills and attitudes, aligning the training content with the actual competencies necessary in the context of contemporary aviation.

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