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  • Helicopter Medical Transport (HMT) Safety Circular (ICAO Cir 338 AN/196)
  • Bulletin / Circular by International Civil Aviation Organization, 2015
  • Publisher: ICAO


The Helicopter Medical Transport subgroup (HMTSG) concluded, in the fall of 2009, that safety guidance for the international HMT industry in the form of an ICAO circular shoud be published. This circular will be the baseline for an HMT manual which will be a "living" document that will be revised and updated as required to reflect consensus with evolving best practices.

The HMTSC relied on the accident and sfety research compiled by other organizations and the collective regulatory and operational experiences of its members in producing this circular. The focus for the subgroup was safety risk mitigation and intervention, rather than historical analysis. this document is meant to provide guidance and information derived from HMT best practices all over the world and focuses on mitigation of the risks that were considered the main contributing factors for many HMT accidents that resulted in occupant fatalities and injuries.

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