A specialized agency of the United Nations, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was created in 1944 to promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world. It sets standards and regulations necessary for aviation safety, security, efficiency and regularity, as well as for aviation environmental protection. The Organization serves as the forum for cooperation in all fields of civil aviation among its 191 Member States.

ICAO 9901

ICAO 9901

Assembly 36th Session - Report of the Economic Commission - Montreal, 18-28 September 2007 (Doc 9901

$22.00 $44.00

ICAO 9902

ICAO 9902

Assembly Resolutions in Force (as of 28 September 2007) (Doc 9902)

$105.00 $209.00

ICAO 9905

ICAO 9905

Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required (RNP AR) Procedure Design Manual (Doc 9905)

$49.00 $97.00

ICAO 9906 V.1

ICAO 9906 V.1

Quality Assurance Manual for Flight Procedure Design - Volume 1 - Flight Procedure Design Quality As

$26.00 $51.00

ICAO 9906 V.2

ICAO 9906 V.2

Quality Assurance Manual for Flight Procedure Design - Volume 2 - Flight Procedure Designer Training

$43.00 $85.00

ICAO 9906 V.3

ICAO 9906 V.3

Quality Assurance Manual for Flight Procedure Design - Volume 3 - Flight Procedure Design Software V

$44.00 $87.00

ICAO 9906 V.5

ICAO 9906 V.5

Quality Assurance Manual for Flight Procedure Design - Volume 5 - Validation of Instrument Flight Pr

$24.00 $47.00

ICAO 9906 V.6

ICAO 9906 V.6

Quality Assurance Manual for Flight Procedure Design - Volume 6 - Flight Validation Pilot Training a

$30.00 $60.00

ICAO 9907

ICAO 9907

Report of the 33rd Session of the Legal Committee Montreal, 21 April-2 May 2008 (Doc 9907)

$48.00 $96.00

ICAO 9908

ICAO 9908

Report of the Conference on the Economics of Airports and Air Navigaton Services (CEANS) (Doc 9908)

$41.00 $82.00

ICAO 9910

ICAO 9910

Normal Operations Safety Survey (NOSS)(Doc 9910)

$46.00 $91.00

ICAO 9911

ICAO 9911

Recommended Method for Computing Noise Contours Around Airports (Doc 9911)

$68.00 $136.00

ICAO 9914

ICAO 9914

Report of the Accident Investigation and Prevention (AIG) Divisional Meeting (2008) (Doc 9914)

$47.00 $94.00

ICAO 9915

ICAO 9915

Asia/Pacific Area Traffic Forecasts 2008 - 2025. Report of the Fourteenth Meeting of the Asia/Pacif

$23.00 $46.00

ICAO 9919

ICAO 9919

Convention on Compensation for Damage Caused by Aircraft to Third Parties, Signed at Montreal on 2 M

$47.00 $93.00

Showing 271 to 285 of 444 (30 Pages)