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IES TM-15-11
- Luminaire Classification System for Outdoor Luminaires
- standard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 05/16/2011
- Publisher: IES
This Technical Memorandum defines a classificationsystem for outdoor luminaires that provides informationto lighting professionals regarding the lumendistribution within solid angles of specific interest.The lumens within these solid angles are intended tobe one of the metrics used to evaluate luminaireoptical distribution including the potential for lightpollution and obtrusive light, but not as the only metricthat should be evaluated. Light pollution andobtrusive light result not only from the optical characteristicsof the luminaires, but also from the applicationof those luminaires within an outdoor site orroadway. A detailed evaluation of the lighting performancefor the outdoor site should be based not onlyon the luminaire optics, but also on overall systemdesign, including luminaire locations, utilization oflight where it is needed, lighting quality, visual tasks,aesthetics, safety requirements, and security issues.
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