PEI RP100-11
- Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems (2011 Edition)
- Recommended Practice by Petroleum Equipment Institute, 2011
- Publisher: PEI
- Piping slope, layout and trenches
- Flow shut-off devices
- Vent restriction devices
- Transition sumps
- Automatic line-leak detectors
- Secondary containment
- Water management
- Groundwater monitoring
The document contains sections on excavating, backfilling, anchoring, piping, release detection, cathodic protection, secondary containment and other aspects of tank system installation. There are three appendices as well. One contains formulas for calculating weight required to prevent tank floatout. Another describes procedures for calculating sacrificial anode requirements. The third contains a current publication reference of other tank installation documents. The manual, which contains 33 line drawings, is completely indexed.
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