• PRCI L00032e
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PRCI L00032e

  • Pipeline Research Summary 1979
  • Report / Survey by Pipeline Research Council International, 01/01/1979
  • Publisher: PRCI



Pipeline Research Council International, Inc.

Need: In its continuing efforts to provide safe, continuous service to its customers at the lowest possible cost, the Pipeline Research Council International, Inc sponsors a number of research projects in various areas of pipeline technology.

Result: The broad technical objectives of the NG-18 program are aimed at the strength and toughness of line pipe and provide for the systematic solution of present and future technical problems, to promote the development of new technology, improve existing techniques and facilities, and to obtain information to support changes in codes and specifications whenever applicable and necessary.

Benefit: This annual report summarizes the current phases of the NG-18 program that has been done over the year.

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