• PRCI PR-15-65
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PRCI PR-15-65

  • Noise Control Handbook (1977) Volumes 1 & 2
  • Report / Survey by Pipeline Research Council International, 05/01/1977
  • Publisher: PRCI



Southwest Research Institute

Need: In response to the growing need to more effectively and efficiently respond to industry's expanding responsibilities regarding noise control.

Result: The initial objective of this program was to define noise effects and criteria both for employee hearing protection and prevention of community noise intrusion, and thereafter turned to the development of analytical and engineering techniques to identify, diagnose, and control noise problems at gas pipeline installations.

Benefit: A first and vitally important step in any effective noise program is the development of a systematic approach to defining existing noise conditions and evolving a comprehensive control approach. Effective noise control programs can be developed which both evaluate compliance and identify the nature and intensity of significant sources without overreaction or over-expenditure. This report shows the major steps needed in any noise abatement program.

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