• PRCI PR-187-9602
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PRCI PR-187-9602

  • Tensile Property Variation in DSAW and ERW Line Pipe
  • Report / Survey by Pipeline Research Council International, 07/01/1999
  • Publisher: PRCI



Microalloying International, Inc.

Need: Excessive variations in tensile properties have been found in linepipe produced for several construction projects. High or low strengths, outside specification limits, present problems for the operator. The problem is likely to become worse due to fragmentation of the linepipe industry (often non-integrated steel and pipe mills) and due to the introduction of novel steelmaking and rolling methods.

Benefit: This study was conducted to determine tensile property variability and its origins in HFERW pipe produced from hot-rolled coils and DSAW pipe produced from plates. Data were collected for DSAW line pipe produced from plates made by flattening coiled skelp. Data have been collected from steelmakers and pipe mills in North America and other countries, including Australia, France, Mexico and Brasil. Results span the most advanced plate and pipe mills to older mills which do not always incorporate modern process control. Data for different steelmaking processes were collected and for different rolling philosophies. A limited amount of data from thin slab product are also presented.

Result: Results reveal significant variations in yield strength between individual slabs in a heat, as well as within the coils or plates produced from the slabs. This variability, which directly influences the variability in final pipe, is related to skill and know-how of the producers and to rolling schedules rather than to alloy design or age of production equipment.

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