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PRCI PR-214-0326
- Evaluation of the Interaction of Mechanical Damage on Welds
- Report / Survey by Pipeline Research Council International, 06/15/2007
- Publisher: PRCI
Fleet Technology
Need: Failures in transmission pipelines are often the result of mechanical damage. The US DOT has indicated that 20 to 40 percent of the serious pipeline incidents in any given year are related to mechanical damage. This damage is due to third party activities, mishandling during construction, pipeline bedding material consolidation, or ground movement.
Result: This project report includes a discussion of the following work: Development of a criteria for weld interaction with restrained rock dents, pipe ovality and wrinkles; Development of a means of considering pressure fluctuation severity in these criteria, and Development of guidance and recommendations on how to consider the effects of soil confinement.
Benefit: This project was completed to support the development of a guidance note for the disposition of welds interacting with pipe wall mechanical damage (dents, wrinkles and ovality) and thus allow more rational treatment of these forms of damage. The intent of this report is to identify when the interaction is significant and needs to be considered explicitly. Based upon the criteria developed in this project, inspection results that indicate the presence of pipe wall deformation in the vicinity of a girth weld or long seam weld can be used to assess if the interaction is significant and must be treated as a repairable defect.
Fleet Technology
Need: Failures in transmission pipelines are often the result of mechanical damage. The US DOT has indicated that 20 to 40 percent of the serious pipeline incidents in any given year are related to mechanical damage. This damage is due to third party activities, mishandling during construction, pipeline bedding material consolidation, or ground movement.
Result: This project report includes a discussion of the following work: Development of a criteria for weld interaction with restrained rock dents, pipe ovality and wrinkles; Development of a means of considering pressure fluctuation severity in these criteria, and Development of guidance and recommendations on how to consider the effects of soil confinement.
Benefit: This project was completed to support the development of a guidance note for the disposition of welds interacting with pipe wall mechanical damage (dents, wrinkles and ovality) and thus allow more rational treatment of these forms of damage. The intent of this report is to identify when the interaction is significant and needs to be considered explicitly. Based upon the criteria developed in this project, inspection results that indicate the presence of pipe wall deformation in the vicinity of a girth weld or long seam weld can be used to assess if the interaction is significant and must be treated as a repairable defect.
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