• PRCI PR-232-9501
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PRCI PR-232-9501

  • Stress Corrosion Cracking of Pipelines in Contact with Near-Neutral Solutions
  • Report / Survey by Pipeline Research Council International, 07/13/1995
  • Publisher: PRCI



Dr. Redvers N. Parkins

Low pH (transgranular) stress corrosion cracking (SCC) was first recognized in 1985. A TPL model was used to assist in the identification of soils and field sites likely to support low pH SCC attack. Transgranular SCC has been reproduced in the laboratory; but there is still difficulty in initiating and propagating this form of cracking in the lab at stress levels comparable to those on an operating line. The possible role that bacteria may play is reviewed and while there is supporting field evidence, it is not conclusive. Recommendation: the role of bacteria needs further study; need to improve the understanding of the mechanistic aspects of transgranular SCC attack to resolve the supposition of hydrogen diffusing into the steel and affecting the overall crack growth process.

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