• PRCI PR-244-04404
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PRCI PR-244-04404

  • Limit State Function Development for the Application of Reliability Based Design and Assessment to Onshore Natural Gas Pipelines
  • Report / Survey by Pipeline Research Council International, 04/04/2008
  • Publisher: PRCI



C-FER Technologies, Inc.

Need: For pipelines that utilize high design factors, excessive plastic deformation may occur in the hoop direction under internal pressure applied during field hydrostatic testing. Excessive plastic deformation can lead to coating damage and subsequent corrosion. Therefore, a limit state function for excessive plastic deformation was established to address this condition. The limit state function was established as the allowable plastic strain minus the accumulated plastic hoop strain induced by hydrostatic test pressure.

Result: The objective of this study was to expand the limit state function library to allow a wider range of conditions and threats to be explicitly considered in the application of RBDA. The new limit state functions developed in this study are applicable to situations involving excessive plastic deformation under hydrostatic testing pressure, restrained thermal expansion, seam-weld defects and stress-corrosion cracking (SCC). The basic assumptions and methodologies used to develop these limit state functions are described in this report. Probabilistic characteristics of the input parameters (including model uncertainties) associated with each limit state function are also summarized based on publicly available literature, studies funded by PRCI and data provided by PRCI members.

Benefit: This report describes the results of a study carried out by C-FER Technologies (1999) Inc. (C-FER) for the Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI) under Contract No. PR-244-04404 (Phase II). This study is part of a multi-year PRCI-funded program aimed at establishing the reliability-based design and assessment (RBDA) method as a viable decision-making alternative for onshore natural gas pipelines. Previous deliverables produced under this program included guidelines for the application of RBDA, target reliability levels and a set of limit state functions that can be used to apply the methodology for corrosion and equipment impact hazards. In addition, non-mandatory appendices on RBDA were prepared for inclusion in both the ASME B31.8 and CSA Z662 standards.

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