• PRCI RML-IR/80-17
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  • Outline of Activities during 1980 Sabbatical Leave
  • Report / Survey by Pipeline Research Council International, 10/01/1980
  • Publisher: PRCI



The Pennsylvania State University

Need: The Pennsylvania State University, like many other American Universities, provides the opportunity for faculty to undertake a period of Sabbatical Leave at seven-year intervals. During 1973, the writer, whose field of interest is Rock Mechanics, spent his Sabbatical Leave at the Mining Department, University of Nottingham, England and the Geophysics Institute, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany. In 1980, the writer was again granted Sabbatical Leave and it was decided if possible to spend the majority of the time at a University in Germany. This decision was based on a number of factors, including the high quality Rock Mechanics research presently underway in Germany; the current interest in Germany in one of the writer's major areas of research, salt cavern design for storage of liquids, gases and radioactive waste; and the excellent European academic and technical contacts which developed during the writer's 1973 Sabbatical and during numerous subsequent visits.

Result: During the last 15 years, the field of rock mechanics has developed at a highly accelerated rate. The purpose of the 1980 Sabbatical Leave was to provide the necessary time and environment to allow the writer to undertake a concentrated study of one area of Rock Mechanics, which was evolved in recent years and appears destined to be of increasing importance in the future. In general, the applicant concentrated his efforts on studies related to the "Design and Stability Monitoring of Underground Storage Facilities." There is little doubt that during the latter part of this century considerable use will be made of the underground for storage of solids, liquids, and gases. At present commercial and government owned facilities for underground storage of such products as natural gas, LNG, crude oil, compressed air and radioactive wastes are in use or are under development in many countries. Unfortunately, although the techniques for the construction of such facilities are highly developed, the procedures for design and stability monitoring of these facilities are in their infancy. Experience by the applicant during the last 14 years on two rather extensive Rock Mechanics research programs associated with underground storage indicated the need for a concentrated effort in the areas of stability analysis and structural stability monitoring. Furthermore, since at present there is an increased utilization of storage caverns located in bedded and domal salt, and in general the thermo-mechanical behavior of these materials are not well-known, there is also an urgent need for additional research in this area.

Benefit: The recent Sabbatical Leave made it possible for the writer to further develop his expertise in the area of underground storage, to provide the foundation for continuing research in this area, and to generate new contacts with co-workers in a number of universities, government laboratories and commercial firms throughout Europe.

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