PRCI was established in 1952 as the Pipeline Research Committee of the American Gas Association (AGA). Today, PRCI conducts collaboratively funded research programs that enable energy pipeline companies around the world to provide safe, reliable, environmentally compatible and cost effective service to meet customer energy requirements. Over 450 PRCI reports cover 6 major disciplines and serve to identify, prioritize and implement the industry's core research objectives.
Pipetran Version IV - A Digital Computer Program for the Simulation of Gas Pipeline Network Dynamics
$6.00 $12.00
PRCI PR-003-0277
Review & Gap Analysis of Remaining Issues Concerning Mechanical Damage
$48.00 $95.00
PRCI PR-003-03156
Human Factors Analysis of Leak Detection and Response Scoping Study
$148.00 $295.00
PRCI PR-003-9305
Line Pipe Resistance to Outside Force: Assessing Serviceability of Mechanical Damage
$298.00 $595.00
PRCI PR-003-9403
Protocol to Prioritize Sites for High pH Stress-Corrosion Cracking in Gas Pipelines
$448.00 $895.00
PRCI PR-003-9404
Hydrotest Parameters to Help Control High-pH SCC on Gas Transmission Pipelines
$198.00 $395.00