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SAE AMS3374/1A
- Sealing Compound, One-Part Silicone (Type 1) Aircraft Firewall (Cancelled: Feb 2011)
- standard by SAE International, 02/18/2011
- Publisher: SAE
This document has been declared "CANCELLED" as of February 2011 and has been superseded by AMS 3374. By this action, this document will remain listed in the Numercial Section of the Aerospace Standards Index noting that it is superseded by AMS 3374.This specification covers a one-part, high temperature resistant silicon sealing compound supplied in caulking cartridges.This product is used primarily for sealing aircraft firewall structures against passage of air and vapors. The cured compound shall remain an effective sealant at all temperatures between -65 and +400 degrees F (-654 to +204 degrees C) and shall be able to withstand a flash temperature of 2000 degrees F (1093 degrees C).