• SAE AS5726
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SAE AS5726

  • Interface Standard, Interface for Micro Munitions
  • standard by SAE International, 12/02/2009
  • Publisher: SAE


This standard only defines interconnect, electrical and logical (functional) requirements for the interface between a Micro Munition and the Host. The physical and mechanical interface between the Micro Munition and Host is undefined. Individual programs will define the relevant requirements for physical and mechanical interfaces in the Interface Control Document (ICD) or system specifications. It is acknowledged that this does not guarantee full interoperability of Interface for Micro Munitions (IMM) interfaces until further standardization is achieved.

The purpose of this standard is to minimize proliferation of divergent electrical interfaces between the Host and Micro Munitions to promote interoperability across different programs and services.

This standard applies to all Hosts and Micro Munitions that electrically interface with each other. A Micro Munition is a weapon characterized by a mass up to 25 kilograms and a minimum outer diameter of 38 millimeters. Other munitions may use this standard

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