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SCTE 103 2004
- Test Method for DC Contact Resistance, Drop cable to F-Connectors and F81 Barrels, (formerly IPS TP 405)
- standard by Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers, 01/01/2004
- Publisher: SCTE
The purpose of this test procedure is to measure the contact resistance or intimacyof contact between an F connector and the drop cable shield (outer conductorcontact resistance) or the cable center conductor and the F81 barrel (innerconductor contact resistance.). This method is used to evaluate the tendency forunwanted high-resistance contacts. Depending on the application, high resistancecontacts may cause excessive energy losses, overheating and possibly, in CableTelecommunications systems, common path distortions. In any case however, itis most desirable to have contact resistance as close to zero as possible.