• SCTE 106 2010
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SCTE 106 2010

  • DOCSIS Set-Top Gateway (DSG) Specification
  • standard by Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers, 06/01/2010
  • Publisher: SCTE


The DOCSIS Set-top Gateway (DSG) specification defines an interface and associated protocol that introducesadditional requirements on a DOCSIS CMTS and DOCSIS CM to support the configuration and transport of a classof service known as Out-Of-Band (OOB) messaging between a Set-top Controller (or application servers) and thecustomer premise equipment (CPE). In general, the CPE is intended to be a digital Set-top Device, but may includeother CPE devices, such as Residential Gateways or other electronic equipment. Figure 1-1 provides the context forthis specification in relation to the data-over-cable reference architecture and the other interface specifications in thefamily.

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