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SCTE 168-6 2010
- Recommended Practice for Monitoring Multimedia Distribution Quality
- standard by Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers, 03/01/2010
- Publisher: SCTE
The scope of this Recommended Practice document is to provide background anddiscussion on Multimedia Management (MMM) system requirements to assist the cableoperator with MMM deployment design tradeoffs as well as provide guidance andrecommendations on several topics related to the deployment of Multimedia Managementsystems based on the experiences to date of both the participating committee operatorsand vendor companies and the directions of ongoing work in the HMS. The topicsinclude:
*Integrated and Independent Monitoring Strategies
*Recommendations for Quality and Service Assurance Data Acquisition
*Recommendations for Quality and Service Assurance Visualization, Reporting,and Export
*MMM System Security Considerations
This background and set of recommendations is intended to provide guidance tooperators who are planning to deploy or are currently deploying MMM systems. Thisinformation is intended to be used with that provided in other HMS MMM documents.
*Integrated and Independent Monitoring Strategies
*Recommendations for Quality and Service Assurance Data Acquisition
*Recommendations for Quality and Service Assurance Visualization, Reporting,and Export
*MMM System Security Considerations
This background and set of recommendations is intended to provide guidance tooperators who are planning to deploy or are currently deploying MMM systems. Thisinformation is intended to be used with that provided in other HMS MMM documents.
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